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Save your seat for February 23rd at 2:00 p.m. GMT/9:00 a.m. EST, and we'll show you the ins and outs of: 


-Building your process discovery journey to create the most impact on your organization

-What business insights can be drawn from process discovery

-Best practices on using Kyon Process Discovery to scale your RPA 




Our Kryon experts will be there to help you every step of the way! 


What are you waiting for? Grab a spot now


Starting in few minutes!

The recorded session is available now, here:

View the presentation on demand

Here are selected questions we received and the answers, by @Ziv Ilan​ :

  1. How do you benchmark the ROI? To assess the potential ROI of a specific business process we work with the data collected by PD. The statistics provided by Process Discovery joined by the business context of it allows estimating the savings coming from automating/optimizing the process. This initial ROI is then validated with the SMEs before creating a business case and deciding on the implementation approach
  2. What is the best practice for reporting the findings on the whole department level, including the processes you discarded, and explain why? We are working with our clients bottom-up to report the findings and measure the success of a discovery sprint/project - it starts with the validation of each of the processes and the creation of a business case for the relevant processes -> and a recommendation to take them to automation/optimization/standardization. We then collect the findings from each of the processes to demonstrate the collective ROI and impact of the discovery, the success rate, and how it fits with the dept. KPIs/success criteria. This can also be integrated with a BI solution (like PowerBI) to visualize it to the management and get the buy-in for these initiatives.
  3. How do assess that automating this process will actually generate revenue? Are you create any business case for each of the processes or let say collection of processes? ROI impact of a business process is comprised from several factors - it starts with the output of PD and the understanding of the end-to-end flow of the business process and its statistics that can indicate the business impact of this process; the second component is the implementation approach - when discussing the business case we factor in the potential automation/re-engineering of the process and the costs attached to it to finalize the ROI and share the business case 
  4. What toolkit is your providing to identify the cause of not capturing enough actions? By integrating a BI solution (PowerBI etc.) to our Process Discovery platform we can provide a dashboard that shows in realtime the data captured by the robots - on a split by user (usernames can be hashed to anonymize) and application, this can help understand the root cause of not collecting enough actions, whether it's due to an issue with the application list, a specific user, or a wider issue. Since the analysis part starts after 2-3 days of recording the idea is to use it to optimize the recording part and fine-tune the number of days needed for the recordings.
  5. Often users work on different processes partly with the same applications and similar process flows. How can it be ensured that only one specific process is monitored? Process Discovery captures all the actions a user is doing in an approved list of applications. We then take the data and analyzing it to identify the business processes the users within a specific set of users were working within the recorded time. These identified processes represent a part of a high-level process - like Accounts Payable / Supply chain mgmt. / etc., and as with every complex process as AP, optimizing/automating it comprises of many different initiatives; this is why we don't limit the robot to capture a specific process, for that purpose you can use a recorder, but opening it to identify the wide range of processes executed by users.
  6. Is Process Discovery a separate module of the product or does it come along with the basic license? Process discovery is a layer in our Full cycle automation suite and can be used as a separate module or together with our unattended, attended, and hybrid RPA modules.
  7. In your experience, in what part of the business are the most useful processes to automate? Backoffice processes from the finance, accounting, IT, and HR are usually the first automation hot-spots to use Process Discovery for and there are many documented case-studies of the impact of automation on these areas; as we work with more clients, we see the value it can provide in other areas of the business, like operations, supply chain mgmt, front office engagements, call centers, etc.
