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Updated: Aug. 2, 2017 


Please note that Scheduled workflows feature has been released as of July 2017. Please see  for more details on this fix.

As many of you are aware our product teams are working hard in extending the capabilities of Nintex Workflow for Office 365. Some features might currently be missing but will certainly make it to the product soon. In the meanwhile, most of the features you might miss can still be implemented, simply by thinking a bit outside the box.

One of these features is scheduled workflows. In this post I will show you how you can use existing workflow actions, SharePoint features and quite simple logic to allow workflows to run on a schedule power users can easily maintain themselves.


What do we need?

I provided the templates for the following as part of this post. Feel free to download and use them.


A SharePoint List

The list will contain one item per workflow you want to schedule. Each item will represent one scheduled workflow and consist of the following columns:

    • Workflow Title - The name of the scheduled workflow;
    • Schedule Frequency - Specifies the time in-between workflow runs. This is the number of minutes. That can also be changed to hours or days if you need to, by simply changing the corresponding workflow action.
    • Schedule End Date - Sometimes you want to run a scheduled workflow only to a certain date. Note that the workflow will run at least once on the specified date. This field is optional.


The Workflow

The provided workflow template can be used as a base for each scheduled workflow you want to create. This is the minimum functionality required to mimic a scheduled workflow. What happens in the workflow? Lets dissect the following screenshot:


Scheduled Workflow.jpg


    • Loop until Schedule End Date - This is using the Loop with Condition action which will continue to loop until today's date reaches the specified Schedule End Date which is part of each element's metadata.
    • Set dateToday to today's date - This sets a variable, called dateToday, to today's date
    • Pause for specified frequency - This uses the Pause for Duration action to pause the workflow for the number of minutes specified in the item's metadata
    • The red rectangle - This is where your actual workflow logic goes. The rest has to stay as is, but this is where you build the logic for your scheduled workflow.


How do I schedule the workflow now?

To get started, create a list based on the list template in the .zip archive.


Next you need to build your scheduled workflow within the Scheduled Workflow list. For that use the provided workflow template. Set it to a manual start as you only want it to start once the schedule is in place.


After publishing the workflow, go to the list and create an item. Provide details as required and then manually start your workflow on that one list item. The workflow will then run on this item on the specified schedule.


Obviously this is a sequential workflow, but the logic will also work in a state machine. When I have more time, I will provide a template for that too.

Feel free to provide feedback and comment on the approach. Hope this helps everyone who needs scheduled workflows in the interim.

Hey Sunny,

I read your blogpost, but I was wondering, how would you go about setting up an Azure webjob that would run a *site* workflow? I have a site workflow created in Nintex for O365 that I need to run daily. The site workflow runs against a list and checks for when the "Next Review Date" == "Today" (today is created using a workflow variable that sets todaysDate to "date when action is executed"). I don't want to use a "pause until" or "wait for" in a list workflow as the "Next Review Date" can change and a suspended workflow would not "see" or recognize that.

Seriously just purchase this app from the app store at $150 per year. Why Nintex have been "trying" for nearly 3 years to build this now and they haven't just acquired this company, I just don't know....

Plumsail Workflow Scheduler

Get on it, and get it done rather than dealing with this convoluted solution (though still creative, I have to give it credit for that)

I was looking at that app actually! Couldn't find much on it in terms of reviews though and security (our Information Security guy is gonna want info). Have you been using it? Has it been resilient and reliable?

Terribly disappointing that this has not been resolved yet. It's pretty much a core reason for using Site Workflows. ‌, can you imagine migrating to O365 and not being able to use a scheduled site workflow?

Here's the link to the UserVoice suggestion.  It was updated last week to say investigation has begun.  However, I'd suggest people still vote on UserVoice to give it more prominence.



Ryan GreenawayChris Ben‌ I just built a site workflow for a client (Nintex for Office 365) specifically because I knew that I would need scheduling capability. It is indeed disappointing to find this feature is not available in Nintex for O365.

I would say this is the most frustrating aspect of Nintex development – inconsistency between platforms.

It's easy to getting accustomed to best-practices or how best to accomplish different things and then you run up against a wall because of lack of support or differences between each version of the product.

Totally. As a consultant who is with his first o365 client I totally get this. This is why I have been asking for some sort of consultants license, not for me to do anything productive with, but for me to be able to fully understand the platform ahead of time and be able to advocate Nintex to clients knowing the limitations and possibilities ahead of time.

Yeah I have to sympathise with you there, selling a client on workflows in Office 365 based on what they/you know of in on-premises must be tough without quite a bit of experience in the new platform, as they are very different  and not just in straight feature comparison.

Thanks to this place, I actually learnt ahead of time to not use the words "yeah, you can do that on O365 with Nintex".

I still stand in position, that having right tech background you can achieve anything

Like you can sometimes use azure, to host there services available using , and call them when needed from you Nintex Workflow 



I'm a consultant, when I leave the solution I provide them needs to be supportable by their IT team and skillset they have to hand. In the limited time I have here, I can train them on using Nintex and the OOTB functionality it provides. I can't train them on  web services and programming languages. It's needs must.

Unfortunately as Ryan Greenaway mentioned "achieve anything" isn't always the goal. Oftentimes success is defined primarily by user-adoption and by empowering citizen developers (less technical individuals) to be able to develop and maintain their own solutions – click not code.

Although I spend a lot of time in azure and client-side development, those are a last resort when it comes to Nintex for me. If not, you reach a situation where a client wonders why they purchased Nintex in the first place if custom development was required for their specific needs.

While it's not a perfect solution, as mentioned earlier in this thread, Plumsail is an inexpensive, "click not code," easy implementation for users. Of course, it would be preferable for it to all be in Nintex, but there are other solutions that fit your needs for less technical users. And at $150/yr, it's a drop in the bucket for most orgs, especially if they're already purchasing Nintex and someone to implement it.

Very true Courtney Vargo! In this situation, there's a lot of solid options.  

I note that KK wrote a very detailed post a couple of days ago on how to achieve this using NWC as NWC has scheduling capabilities.  His solution falls in the advanced camp right now but when more of the o365 actions for NWC are released, I feel it will become much easier.



Thankfully it seems Nintex Dev Ops are on the case.

Schedule Site Workflow – Customer Feedback for Nintex 

Hi All,

Please note that Scheduled workflows feature has been released, so the workarounds are no longer required. Please see the blog about it here: 

scheduled workflow‌scheduled workflows‌
