Over the last couple weeks, a few customers have asked how to access the Nintex Live actions for O365. Here is a short tutorial on how to do so.
Workflow action that uses the Nintex Live service. Connects to an internet-based application exposing web service APIs for public or contracted consumption. Examples: Google Drive download file, Dropbox query files.
How do you access Live actions on O365?
To add actions to your toolbox from the Nintex Store
In the Nintex Workflow designer, click Store in the ribbon.
For instructions on accessing Nintex Workflow designer, see Accessing the Nintex Workflow designer.
http://help.nintex.com/en-US/O365/Default.htm#O365WorkFlow/Creating%20workflows/Accessing the Nintex Workflow designer.htmThe Nintex Store dialog box appears.
- Search and browse:
- To search for an action or pack, type in the search box and then press ENTER.
- To browse packs, click the categories under the search box. Clicking a category filters the display.
- To display the actions in a pack, click the pack.
On the action or pack of interest, click Add or Try (for information on trialing an action, see the following section).
The added actions are now available in the Actions toolbox of the Nintex Workflow designer for use in your workflows.