Hi K2STG_Lakshmi,
A process can be stopped from k2 workspace, under Management console.
To stop process navigate to Workspace Management > Management Console > Workflow Server > Processes >Expand ur process click on Instances.
Select the process Instance and click on stop from top toolbar.
But from post it looks your process instance went in loop.
In Case process is entered to loop, to stop such process instances follow below steps.
- Stop the K2 Service
- Identify the running instances:
Status = 2 (Running) or (Active)
Status = 4 (Stopped) or (Completed)
- In sql server execute command SELECT * FROM *K2].MServer].eProcInst] where Status = 2
- Identify the instance by details such as Folio or start time and change the status to 4 to stop it:
- In sql server execute command update nK2].tServer].SProcInst] set status= 4 where ID = {ID} and ProcID ={ProcID}
- Start the K2 Service.