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K2 4.5 High Priority Fixes

  • February 16, 2021
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K2 4.5 High Priority Fixes


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KB001369 is a list of high priority issues for K2 blackpearl 4.5 and K2 blackpoint 4.5 that have now been resolved.



Issues Resolved:

K2 Server

  • When trying to deploy a valid process but the K2 Host server is stopped the validation will correctly display an error stating that it was unable to connect to the server.  However, when dismissing the message, the validation succeeds allowing the user to click on NEXT to go to the deployment step and bypassing the validation that should have been done. 

K2 Designers and Wizards

  • On deployment in K2 Designer for SharePoint if more than one SmartObject server exists multiple servers will be added which will then concatenate and cause invalid connection strings. The same applies to the Mail server environment field.

  • When using the SharePoint User Management wizard to assign permissions on a large document or list item the permission settings steps are timing out.

  • When finding users for groups, the domain “contains” check is case-sensitive.

  • In the K2 Designer for SharePoint an error stating "System.Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." occurs when deploying a process containing an Upload Document with a GetAttachmentContext Inline Function.

  • Assigning more than one SharePoint group as a destination in the K2 Designer for SharePoint causes an "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error at runtime.

  • In K2 Designer for SharePoint when selecting the Reuse Process option the process pre-validation window remains open.

  • The K2 Designer for SharePoint did not function if the native XMLHTTP support was disabled. A check is needed to determine if the  Internet Explorer Security option is on or off and display an error message to the user to change the setting “Enable native XMLHTTP support”.

  • In K2 Designer for SharePoint the error message that is generated when instantiating the XMLHTTP and ActiveX fails is generated twice.

  • The K2 Designer for SharePoint can still be used after the instantiation of the XMLHTTP and ActiveX objects have failed. This behavior allows a user to lock a process and the process will remain locked after the user exits the designer.

  • When creating and deploying a process in K2 Designer for SharePoint the Designer will be locked until approval has been given by the user specified in Central Administration. once the apporval is given the K2 Designer for SharePoint will display a message stating that the process has been approved. The design canvas becomes enabled but it is not possible to deploy the process again because the deployment option is disabled.

  • In K2 Designer for SharePoint when deployment failed and the user click on the Back button, validation was running again which is incorrect.

  • When there are no Runtime participants in a K2 Designer for SharePoint process, the Runtime participants container should not display the control's heading labels, the control should be hidden.

  • Cannot create a new list item of a specific content type in K2 Desinger for SharePoint

  • The Inline Functions Get Word Content returns only part of the text available in the content control when used in K2 Designer for SharePoint.

  • When using a custom provider and retrieving group names such as in a search in the context browser, the group names returned are of the format labeluser (no colon) instead of label:user (with colon).

  • Unable to change the K2 Designer for SharePoint Deployment AppPool on a site collection (/sites/SubSC/) when no root site collection "/" was created.

  • On the Runtime Particpant user control a Validation error occurs when resolving a valid username.

  • When using the backspace or when deleting characters to resolve Runtime Participants in the K2 Designer for SharePoint User Task the entire text box disappears.

  • In a SSL Environment Runtime Participants Resolve / Browse usernames produces an "Object required" error message.

  • The Runtime particpants resolver choice in K2 Designer for SharePoint and the destination set do not match resulting in the user not being returned.

  • The K2 Designer for SharePoint User Task Runtime particpants resolver and browser does not function when trying to assign runtime particpants.

  • When searching for users using the "Browse" button next to the Resolve users icon, an error stating "Object doesn't support property or method 'selectNodes'" is displayed.

  • Using the SharePoint document upload event and specifying the content type in a datafield, the datafield is ignored and the value specified for 'Design time values' is used instead.

  SharePoint Integration and InfoPath Integration

  •  The SharePoint Task Form throws an error stating "Error loading fields, contact your system administrator" when associated with a Document Set Content Type.

  • When creating a workflow that is integrated with a publishing site and “Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item” is selected as the start option; when a user that has no process rights submits a draft item using the ribbon menu no warning is given and the user can click OK. The Approval Status remained in a "Draft" state and no workflow is started. However, the user is lead to believe that the workflow was started successfully.

  • Slow deployment of InfoPath Solutions causes a Timeout.

  • The custom "Data column" in the configuration settings for the K2 worklist webpart can be selected but never actually displays.

  • When attempting to resolve SharePoint groups an exception stating "Conversion from string '' to type 'Integer' is not valid" is thrown.

  • When trying to manually associate a K2 workflow with a list in SharePoint, the association is not persisted.

  • K2 integration with SharePoint causes an error working with core SharePoint functionality for users using browsers other than Internet Explorer. The Site Actions displays the error in SharePoint 2010 site when K2 Worklist Web Part is enabled.The error occurs in the SharePoint server and records the following error in Event Log:"Problem getting user data for the TaskListWebPartFactory."

K2 Workspace 

  •  A Javascript error is thrown when the users adds a value in the text area of the "Relative time" box in K2 Worklist.

  • When browsing the Central Admin Management Console > Environments page the page does not allow scrolling.

  • When a user attempts to complete a K2 instance that was started prior to K2 blackpearl 4.5 an error stating "K2Sql.SaveProcInst 1 Unable to update Process Instance
    K2Worker.Action 1 24129 A database error occurred : Unable to update Process Instance
    " occurs.

  • K2 Worklist does not return work items for foreign domain users in local groups in a Multi Forest Setup.

  • Configuring Working Hours parameters in Management Console in SharePoint 2010 results in the changes not being saved.

  • In K2 Management Console - Administration - Working Hours Configuration: There is no place to add a description for a special date when adding it to a zone.

  • When specifying working hours configuration zones, either in K2 Workspace or Process Portals and re-opening the zone in Process Portals->Administration->Working hours, only the first block of each day is displayed as selected.Opening the same zone in workspace displays correctly.

  • Unable to configure working hours as there is no scrollbar to see the remaining time slots and the save button.

  • An error is received when attempting to delete action rights assigned to a role.

 K2 Process Portals

  •  When there is a Datafield of type “Date” in a process, and the process is started from the process portal from the Start new Process Instance Page an error occurs when the  data/xml field’s load before the process starts. The error message  states "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime".

  • In the Process Portal Reporting Web Parts the Interval Graph fails to load on distributed environments if the date on the Server machine is different from the client. An error stating "Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application [Format_BadDateTime]" will be displayed.

  • In Process Portals Management Console when changing the Working hour zones will clear selected working blocks when removing exception or special dates.

 K2 SmartObjects 

  • K2 SmartObject Services - Enabling publishing of SmartObject endpoints with a non admin account results in the Host server failing  to start. Th is issue occurs because the account running host server (K2 Server) must have access through a specific URL ACL to host a URL on the box. An admin user is automatically part of these ACLs and thereforedo not encounter the issue.
    -The following command can be used to determine if a user has access to host a URL:
    netsh http show urlacl url=http://url
    -To add the user to the ACL, use the following command:
    netsh http add urlacl url=http://url user=domainuser

  • It is possible to expose the SmartObjects through the K2 SmartObject Services with impersonation. Whenever a call is made, it authenticates as the logged in user account by default by adding the following: client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation; Where “client” is the name of your WCF client proxy. If this is not set an error stating “Missing Authorization Header” will occur.

  • SmartObject-based Roles and Allow/Deny permissions on Action rights do not function correctly,  allowing Users to be able to action the task even though the role states that they are denied.

  • SharePoint SmartObjects need to be created for content types belonging to the Document Set family.

  • In the SmartObject Users and Groups the Get E-mail For User fails for certain users when the user's Manager is a Contact. Both GetUserDetail and GetUsers fail.

  • On an upgrade the AD SmartObject's List method is nolonger available as the AD User SmartObject uses the 'Account Management Service'

K2 Installation and configuration

  • Currently the SharePoint Configuration wizard only creates the Central Admin Hidden lists on new installs as it was assumed that in upgrade scenarios  the Hidden lists were created by previous builds.The hidden lists however do not exist in builds before 807 450 [K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.3.0)] and so during an upgrade the Feature Reactivation page stays in an "In Progress" state.

  • In Internet Explorer 7 the PageLoadBatchFeatureExecuteScript() is not registered. This cause a Java script error on the page preventing the completion of the SharePoint Configuration wizard.

  • When the SharePoint content databases from a 2007 environment is used in a SharePoint 2010. However, when trying to activate the K2 for SharePoint configuration settings an error occurs stating "Cannot redirect after HTTP Headers sent".

  • The check for logon as batch user has been added to the Configuration Analysis Tool. If the Repair button is clicked all the Domain Users will be granted these rights.



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