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Code Fix: The participant name for a user task does not update when used in an Inline Function after you redirect a task

  • 16 February 2021
  • 0 replies


Code Fix: The participant name for a user task does not update when used in an Inline Function after you redirect a task


K2 blackpearl 4.7
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Issue Description

When you use the User > Display Name property from the Activity Destination Instance data in a Text > To Upper Inline Function configured in a user task notification email, the participant name does not update after you redirect the task to another user.


  1. Ensure you have K2 4.7 installed.
  2. Download and Install the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update from K2 Partner and Customer Portal.
  3. Get the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update FP16 from Regional Support.
  4. Install the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update FP16 to apply the fix.
  5. Start a new instance of the workflow.


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