How do I Install CDO (Collaboration Data Objects)?
KB000172 2003
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CDO is bundled as a component in MS Outlook (version 2003 or earlier). However, it is not installed by default when you install MS Outlook. The following steps demonstrate how to install CDO as a component of Outlook using a Windows XP machine.
The following steps demonstrate how to install CDO as a component of Outlook using a Windows XP machine.
- Open Add or Remove Programs under Settings > Control Panel
- Click on Change or Remove Programs on the left side bar and select Microsoft Office on the Currently Installed Programs box on the right.
Then, click on Change - Select Add or Remove Features from the box that pops up. Click on Next.
- Put a check mark on the Choose advanced customization of applications then click Next
- Expand Microsoft Office, click the icon for Collaboration Data Objects and select Run from my computer or Run all from my computer
- Click on Update. CDO will now be installed in your machine