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 when user use  K2 ,they  alert message "Unable to find assembly 'SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.Common, version= , culture= neutral'  (photo in attachment file )  it's sometime appear  with some user .


   how can i check and resolve it. 


Best Regards,





Hi Nattanich,


1. Go to the GAC (C:WindowsAssembly) on the K2 Server
2. Check if the "SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.Common.dll" is present.
3. If it isn't, navigate to your K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin folder
4. Locate "SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.Common.dll"
5. Drag and Drop it into the GAC
6. Restart the K2 blackpearl server service

Thank you for your support .

   I resolve by your answer  i not found this error after  i resolved.

