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I got multiple file attachments working with a form and can see them in a list.


Is there a way of getting the File size off all the File attachments and checking if they they do no total more than 20 MB?


The attachments are all added to an email and sent to an Email address, however there is a limit of total email size of 20 MB, so the message will not get sent.


The only way i can think off is somehow totalling the size of the all files in the List View and then if > 20MB, pop up a message and do not send the email.


Is there a way to total the file size of the file attachments in the list view?





All options currently that can be done are outlined in the following documentation, 


With that in mind you can check "Show Information"  that display that information of a file.

Also, if this isn't what you were looking for I would make a suggestion to to bring to the attention to the developers for a chance to see in a future release. 

Hi Sharpharp1


during runtime it is possible using JS only when the file is being uploaded, once the list item is submitted you cannot get the file size  


When the file is attached you can see the size in the file control:

in this case we can use some script to get the size information and transfer it to another control so you can calculate the total size


If you submit the list item then edit it, the size is no longer there



So if you are just listing the files in list view not editable, the script doesn't help here. 


If the file is already stored in SQL table, have a look at this thread




@Michael - Already have the Show info ticked, its purely for display purposes and cannot be used in any form of rule or enforcement

Thanks for the ideas.k2 link as well


@Mustafa, do you have that JS handy so that i can try and transfer the file size to a control?


Perhaps i can store the File size value in a control and do an expression to total the file sizes for all the attached files (as they are added) and when clicking the submit button, check that value. If value is > 20MB, then stop transfer of the data to a list.



Hi Sharpharp1,


See if this works for you:


1- you will need new column/Field (Size) of type Number in order to set the size for each file:



2- Transfer the following script to a datalabel when the attachment control change, configure as below


If Attachment Control IsNotEmpty

   Clear Datalabel

   Transfer Script to Datalabel



   Clear Size text box






var t = $('.file-wrapper.uploaded').attr('title');
var i = t.lastIndexOf("/");
var s = t.substring(i+1);
var bytes = s.indexOf("bytes");
var KB = s.indexOf("KB");
var MB = s.indexOf("MB");

if (bytes != -1) {
s = s.replace("bytes", "");
s =((s / 1024) / 1024);

if (KB != -1) {
s = s.replace("KB", "");
s = (s / 1024);

if (MB != -1) {
s = s.replace("MB", "");
if (!isNaN(s)){
$("[name='Size Text Box']").SFCTextBox('option', 'text', s);

Note: Needs testing and the script can be written in better ways(copied from one of my old posts on the community) :)

Find attached video(Open in IE)



Mustafa comes up with the goods yet again. Working great !!!
