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I am using the autocomplete control for our people pickers from SharrePont lists, but when I attach it to the SharePoint Integration People Picker Sourceit has 2 issues, which there doesn't seem to be a fix for
                1 - Despite populatin data on initliase it does'nt actually work for a few minutes

                2 - When it does start working it omits some names I know exist
                3 - (worst bit!) ... it will show a user display name when entering on the 'New form' but when calling back the data

                      on a 'edit' or 'display' form, the ID will be returned.  This seems to be a bug that has never been resolved?


Instead I used a 'user' smartobject found the management folder on a SharePoint site, this was far more robust than the above one BUT I'm concious that some users won't be stored there if they don;t have access to the site.


Solution? ... I tried attaching the 'Active Directory User' smart object but it comes up with an error saying "requires list method' select another smartobject :-(


I am sure I have seen threads on here about autocomplete and active user smartobject so could this be a bug with K2 5? 


I attach a screenshot of me trying to configure it for active, am I doing something wrong?








It sounds like the AD Service2 might be the one that you want to go after for this scenario. This one is setup to query Active Directory. UMUser SmartObject (K2 User Role Mangaer) might be the second option, this one takes advantages of K2 Identity and it might be faster to get the data back.

Thanks Khanh!   I did wonder whether we were missing something as when I tried to create a view using this SO as a test it was wanting me to update or add a user etc rather than query it.


K2 installed our environment, so I am guessing this Smart Object is not installed out of the box?  Our farm admin is new to K2 as much as I am so how do we get the ADService 2 visable in our Enviroment so I can select it via designer?

Hi JulieBird,


You will probably need to register a new service instance for this. I would avoid using the existing system one because it can be overrided/reset as part of the upgrade in the future. Please see the Consideration section from previous provided link.


1. Register new service instance.

2. Generate SmartObjects. AD User SmartObject is the one that you will probably need.


Brillient, thanks for taking the time to do screenshots, will give it a whirl :-)
