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Hello guys. 

I need that when a user selects an option from a Radio button list (Which in this case, it's going to contain name and last name), a display list is going to show all the info of the selected option stored in a smartobject along with a label that contains the name.



Here's an example of what I need:




Is there another option that I can use for another control? Like a Display list?


Thanks in advance.





You could create a view off of your smart object, list view.

keep your radio button list, with the display name as you wish, and the value of the record "ID" as "value"

and when selecting from drop down list, transfer this id to the list view of contacts info, and use load method or get list method via the ID sent from the radio button list.


Hint: Methods should be declared in the form rules level, since they are seperated views, and the design will be a bit different than what you descriped since they are seperated views.


Hope it helps


Hi AaronAcosta1,


  • Create your view with data source as SMO which you want to display in List
  • Now Add Columns which you want to display in list
  • On top of list Add radio button group control and for this radio button group control add datasource To configure this use below options
       1. Use a SmartObject as data source
       2. Show items from the selected SmartObject
  • Now got Rules section and do the following changes
        1. Edit View Initialize rule and disable "execute List method" rule, do not disable "radiobutton populate rule"
        2. Save it and create new Rule below this Rule "when control(‘radio button’) raise an event” then "then add Execute list method on the View “
        3. In execute list method configuration for input mapping pass radiobutton control value to property which you want to use for filter

Nice! Thank you very much.


What I've got is that until now is when I select the radio option on the Radio group is doing the Get List Method. 

But I'm having problems with the filtering. 

What parameters should I pass? 


Hi AaronAcosta1,


       Let suppose you have Radio button Group in Datasource settings with Display name "FirstName LastName" and value with unique Id for it.


Now in GetListMethod for InPutMappings under Input Properties do the following goto contextBrowser which will be available on R.H.S. 

Expend Tree having root as your "View Name" Expend Contols

Here you will get control for RadioButton, Drop this control to next to input property Field which is same as ID in your Radio Button Group 



In Your RadioButton Group if your DataSource SMO is having Fields "Full Name" and "UserId "(userId as value), then you need to Mapp  "Radio button group" Control with Field userId in Input Property Field  
