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I've got a Boolean that when true I want to update the Folio, but I can't seem to get the conversion right. In 4.7 I was able to use an "IF" condition within the context browser which doesn't seem available in 5+.


This works in SQL, but not within the context browser. I'm assuming its because the Boolean conversion.


select replace(replace(recommendChangeOfRank, '1', 'Promotion'), '0', 'No Promotion')
from <table>


Essentially if my boolean is 1 I want to append Promotion to the Folio else No Promotion.


Any ideas?


I've tried the following with different conversion attempts for the change of rank boolean return. (Note in the To String within the first replace I have another string for False)


Some I have just place "True" "False" in the Find others have converted to string.





The new workflow designer in K2 Five has a decision step that should function the same as an IF statement. Why not use that to creation a decision point to decide how to change your folio? This should be easier than attempting to cramp everything using expressions.


I would agree with boringNerd, the proper way to do this now until we have If expressions is with the Decision step.

I was able to figure this out, conversion of a Boolean within the context browser didn't seem to work out. So by creating a data field of the boolean value and setting the type to string allowed for the conversion.

Thanks for the idea on the decision step didn't even cross my mind, so at this point there are multiple possibilites, but an if statement in the context browser would be a nicer funcationality then having to create additional workflow steps in either case.  
