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We have some forms which are failing to load occasionally for some users. Some of the fields display "NULL" instead of data stored in the database.


When this happens, we usually get some of the fields to load, while others fail to load and instead display the NULL message.


We've isolated the problem to users who are using Edge browser.  I work for a county agency and most of our users use Internet Explorer v11.x  and they do not seem to have this problem.


Is there a know issue with Edge browsers? Are there any suggested workarounds?


Thank you,


More like... Edge browser isn't officially supported:


You can log a feature request at to add support for Edge, but other than that, the solution is to not use Edge and use something else.


Thanks for pointing that out.


Unfortunately, I work for a government agency and I suspect the answer will be to use the workflow provided by some of the other software we already have in house.


But I will post a suggestion on the "Ideas" site. (Second visit this week).




Perhaps this will help until Edge is supported:
