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can some body help to creat the custom smart object method for getting sharepoint list items count



You will need to start by creating a custom service broker. K2 has a documentation for this. So on a high level, this is what you should be doing:


  1. Create a custom service broker

  2. In your custom service broker, create the service object that you need.

  3. Create the service object method under your service object

  4. Within the service object method, insert the code to count your SharePoint list items. I am sure there are some SharePoint services or API that you can refer to in order to accomplish this.

  5. To test your service broker, you will need to build it, copy your service broker assembly to [Program Files]K2 blackpearlServiceBroker

  6. Use SmartObject Service Tester to add that new service

  7. Create a service instance from that service

  8. After you have created the service instance, you can create a SmartObject from its service object
