K2 Compatibility Support Matrix

  • 18 January 2021
  • 3 replies

Does anyone know where I can find the K2 Compatibility Support Matrix (used to be available at: https://help.k2.com/k2compatibilitysupportmatrix )

We need a document to confirm that we are currently on 4.7, as when we check all programs it does not list 4.7 as the version but instead has 4.16060.2000.x


3 replies

Hi @mdowney,


Please find the attached PDF which contains the contents from that link. Please not that download links will not work from the PDF.


Kind Regards


Hi @mdowney,


I have just realised that the cookies message is blocking some of the content and some of the ticks did not render in properly. I do apologise. Please find the new attached PDF document if the previous one did not provide you with the content you were looking for.


Kind Regards


Badge +6

Hi all,


The new link is now:



Kind regards,

