Hello, how to find users in K2 Database?
In Database or in K2 FIVE site (version of K2 is 5.7)
Hello, how to find users in K2 Database?
In Database or in K2 FIVE site (version of K2 is 5.7)
Best answer by AnthonyD
Can you try to explain what you are trying to do?
The users are stored in the K2 database usually in the Server.Users table but you are not allowed to alter the database in anyway. Also, these users are a cached version of the users from Active Directory (syncing is about every 8 hours)
If you are trying to implement a people search function, you can use the people picker control and associate this to the ADUser Smartobject. This will allow you to search Active Directory.
If you want to query the list of cached users, you can use the URM smartobject. You will need to specify the label, the default being ‘K2’. This SMO is located in System castegory under Users ... (I can’t recall the exact location).
Details of the URM SMO: https://help.nintex.com/en-us/k2cloud/userguide/current/Content/ReferenceInfo/URM-SMO/URM-Service.htm
I am hoping this is helpful?
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