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Hello K2 Community -


We will be implementing K2 4.7 soon and I am working on pulling together our internal K2 governance. I would greatly appreciate any guidance you would be willing to provide. Maybe I am approaching this wrong but I cannot seem to find anything related to this topic online. There is no versioning for Smartforms; Workflow Admins must export and save "somewhere"/export K2 package in case there is a need to roll back to a previous version. How do we manage this from a Citizen Developer perspective?


What are your thoughts? Have you defined a process for this management of Citizen Developer source code? Thank you in advance for your time.



Hi Brian,


Smartforms has versioning but there is no UI for this and requires the user to interact with the K2 DB, the following KB explains how to roll back:



There is no specific process for managing this, hopefully someone can provide you with a good way to manage packages or smartforms versions.


Hello Mustafa - 


Thank you for the detailed response. I was aware of the ability to roll back  via the K2 DB but obviously that is not a realistic approach for Citizen Developers. As you had mentioned I am hoping someone in this community can provide we with a good way to manage packages and/or smartforms versions. It seems like this would be a very common topic...



