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We are trying to filter a worklist web part on the Activity Name to show tasks relevant to a whole department as opposed to an individual, thefilter will not work on the display name of the activity so after a support call with K2, we have been advised to use the 'internal name' of the activity and have been given instructions how to do this.


However, the method requires us to input the 'Process ID' and having been through all workflow options in designer and googling, I can't see where the process ID is displayed? I can find the 'Process instance' ID but not the actual process ID


Does anyone know where I can find it?


Many thanks Julie


Good day, JulieBird


If you are looking for the process ID (so the actual process definition or proc set) then you would have to use management API to get to process information.


Please have a look at SourceSode.Workflow.Management and use the workflowmanagement class to get processes.

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Kind Regards


K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.



Thanks for the reply.


I found a list of all WF processes with the associated ID by going into the 'Catorgories' section of management, and then into workflow reports and then into General and then doing an list execute on the Process Definition SmartObject.




