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Is there a possibility to change filter labels (I mean "Selected Filter" and Quick Search") because I would like to give the Polish name?

Good day Magcen


Have you tried to rename the filter name from were they are listed by default? I have read the following and I think this would work in your environment aswell:


The Categories node contains all the categories associated with K2 Applications and will list the K2 Artifacts such as SmartObjects and Workflows. When you expand the Categories node, you will see all the categories created by default such as Active Directory or categories created by users. Click on a Category to see the SmartObjects and Workflows. From here you can do a number of tasks for both SmartObjects and Workflows.


Please try this and update me with the progress, HTH.


Kind regards


Still I don't know how to cope with that. I 'm not sure if you understood me. Do you think that we might change the filter labels (I mean "Selected Filter" and Quick Search") or they are just default names?  When you are creating List View you don't have option to change labels (only the default filtering of the data). Please see the attachment. Thanks for help.

I'm not sure it's possible to change those, they may just be default. But I'm not 100% sure on that and I'll ask around to see if I can get a better answer.

Hey Magcen, I found a control that might be able to change the language for you.

Hi Magcen


I have been looking into this and tested a few things. My solution came down to using some javascript in a literal set data label that would change the innerHTML of the titles in the default search on view load. 


To implement the above mentioned follow the below steps:

1) Create a Item or List view

2) Ensure that you enable filtering on the view

3) Add a data label on the view and set its Literal property to True (checked)

4) Navigate to the rule section and add a transfer data rule into the views initialize rule

5) Configure the transfer data rule and add the following code to the data label section.

     Note: To change the text to your desired text, simply replace the "TestText x" code sections with your desired text before adding the code the to the transfer data rule.

<script>document.getElementsByClassName("filterLabel")[0].innerHTML = "TestText 1";document.getElementsByClassName("filterLabel")[1].innerHTML = "TestText 2"</script>

6) Save, finish and run the view. 


Result Display:


Additonal note: This has been tested on an item view, list view, editable list view, and a form containing all those listed. multiple form themes were applied and the result remained in working condition.





