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Hello guys.


I have two questions about escalations


1. I know that is possible to redirect a task to another person... but, is there a way to redirect that task to an especific person? What I need to do is that when a person doesn't complete the task, the task should be redirected to the direct boss of the person that the task was send first. Then if the task remains undone by the direct boss, it redirects again to the boss of the new person in charge of that task. 


2, Is there a way to create a dashboard to view all the escalated task of a user from all his/her workflows? To be able to see what users have an escalated task from an especific workflow.  And to check if it's the first or the second escalation. 


Do you know if there's a simple way to do this?

Thanks in advance.



Follow below steps to achieve point 1:



If User Manager is configured Manger in AD properly:

  • Create a Data Field “CurrentDestinationUserManager” of type string.
  • Before client event add DataEvent and assignee “ActivityInstanceDestUserManager” to it.
  • Escalation Wizard Step:
  • For “Escalate On” or “Escalate After” template, select “Time to be repeated “option
  • Enter number of time you want escalation to execute.
  • Select Action template as redirect
  • In Redirect Action for name drag and drop DataField “CurrentDestinationUserManager”



Get user Manager  from custom DB using SmartObject.

  • Create a Data Field “CurrentDestinationUser” of type string.
  • Before client event add DataEvent and assignee “ActivityInstanceDestUserFQN” to it.
  • Escalation Wizard Step:
  • In “Escalate On” or “Escalate After” template select “Time to be repeated “option
  • Enter number of time you want escalation to execute.
  • In Escalation wizard select Action template as redirect
  • In Redirect Action, call a smart object method to get destination user manager (i.e. boss username). Here you are required to manage list of employee and their boss in custom DB. And need to fetch boss by employee username


For point 2:


  Under Workflow Reports use "Activity Instance Destination” Smart object and filter result based on "Process Instance ID” and "Activity Name".



let me know if it helps you.

Thank you very much for the fast reply... The steps you're talking about... are those for Web designer? Because that's what I'm using.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Kaibman,


Escalation Steps are same for  web, K2Studio and  Viasual studio designer .


but only  in case if you are using "Get user Manager  from custom DB using SmartObject." there will be small change for fetching current user manager.




Thank you again Kran


Sorry to bother you but I can't find a way to do the steps that you told me to do. (I'm using K2 Web designer)


Is it too much to ask for a visual example for the first case? 

Also, when you say in the second case "Under Workflow Reports use "Activity Instance Destination"", where should I do that? Here's the current options that I have available in the K2 Web designer:



Thanks in advance.

Hi  Kaibaman,


For example  refer link Dynamic Escalation in k2 Designer
