When a workflow generates an e-mail and someone replies to all, the following message is sent. The easy answer is to not reply to all. But is there a way to change the workflow or the server to handle this more gracefully?
The message you provided was not understood by the server. Ensure that the serial number of the task is included in your reply. You can find this in the original notification or on your K2 worklist. You can reply with 'Actions' to get a list of actions.
Or use a standard action:
- Redirect: Sends the task to another user and removes it from your worklist. To redirect the task, reply with 'redirect cUser]' (e.g., redirect bob, redirect *personal details removed* or redirect K2:denallixob) or simply respond with 'redirect' and specify the target email in the CC line.
- Delegate: Sends a copy of the task to another user so the task remains available on your worklist. To delegate the task, reply with 'delegate tUser]' (e.g., delegate bob, delegate *personal details removed* or delegate K2:denallixob) or simply respond with 'delegate' and specify the target email in the CC line.
- Sleep: Suspends the task for a period of time (until a date/time or in seconds) and removes it from your worklist. To sleep the task, reply with 'sleep eDate/Time]' or 'sleep eTime in Hours]' (e.g., sleep 4/26/20*personal details removed*:21:01 PM or sleep 2).
This server accepts dates in the formats 'M/d/yyyy' and 'dddd, MMMM d, yyyy', and times in the formats 'h:mm tt' and 'hss tt'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using '+/-hh:mm'. For example 4/26/20*personal details removed*:21:01 PM +2:30 or 4/26/2018 or Thursday, April 26, 2018.
The full error from the K2 server is '(Unknown)'.