So it looks like your install failed on the SharePoint Online Management Shell, the installer is trying to install the file located here:
C:\Program Files\K2\Setup\Redist\Redistributable\SharePoint Online Management Shell\SharePointOnlineManagementShell_22713-12000_en-us.msi
It is possible that you have a newer version of the file on your machine already. If you manually try and run that what error do you get?
If it blocks you then you have a few options:
- You can either remove the one on the machine and re-run the installer, it should install the one shipped with K2 and all should be fine.
- You can just leave the newer one on the box and if you do not run into any problems with SharePoint connectivity you can just ignore it (but this error will probably happen every time you update/reconfigure on that box).
We had to rollback and start the process from scratch, as uninstalling that Sharepoint Shell after the failed upgrade and then re-starting the upgrade caused a blocking issue.
The fix…before doing anything
- Uninstall the Sharepoint Management Shell
- Run the K2 Upgrade installer.
Good, glad that worked.
There could probably be a bit better check put in place to stop the update from even starting if a newer version of of that Management Shell is detected on the machine.
Good, glad that worked.
There could probably be a bit better check put in place to stop the update from even starting if a newer version of of that Management Shell is detected on the machine.
100% agree, if someone got that blocked message after it fails first time, it could be a nightmare situation requiring further escalation. But yeah, either an automated check by the installer or even basic instructions in the guidance would save a lot of stress, especially if someone attempts this without a backup plan in place.