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Where is the documentation for the smart objects that come out of the box? I'd like to read further information on the parameters that can be passed to a certain smart object call. Obviously K2 will have produced documentation for their smart object methods - please could someone let me know how I can find it.


Whilst I am looking at a specific smart object, that should not be relevant as the documentation should exist in one location so this quetsion relates to documentation for all smart objects.




I have found a document that might be usefull regarding smartObject method parameter, please find the link below:


Note: The statements and opinions made in my postings are my own, and do not reflect the opinions of K2. All information is provided as is with no warranties, express or implied, and grants no rights or licenses.


The following documentation explains a little bit more about SmartObjects, as well as what kind of SmartObjects exist out of the box based on their Service Instance.


None of this documents what the expected parameters are for each smart object call. Take MSDN for example, each class has methods that take parameters and they provide documentation for how those are intended to be used e.g. 


Smartobject: System > Management > Users > SmartObjects > Task > Methods > RedirectWorklistItem

Parameters: ActionerName, Destination, ProcInstID, ActInstDestID, ID


What does the "ID" parameter above do? Where should you get it from? Please point me at the documentation for the RedirectWorklistItem smart object call that gives this information. 

Hi there, 


It looks like there might not be any documentation that covers the SmartObject methods in the management category. However, I did find the same information in the methods from the Workflow Management Server API. See: 

Specifically it looks like the ID the SmartObject call is looking for is the Worklist Item ID. You can find this if you run the GetWorklistItems method, but also seems to be the ID of the item in the Server.WorklistSlot table. 



Perhaps, the K2 ServerLog Database ERD might have some of the information that you need.
