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Hello together,


we want create a workflow where the users can create their own websites in SharePoint for Collaboration.

For this I tried the "Create Subsite"-Event in the K2-Studio.


But my problem is, that I don't see our Custom Template that we want to use.


Is there a trick how I can add this Custom Template to the list?

Or what have I put in the textfield for the template that the custom template will be taken?


Thank you for your support :)


Kind Regards


Hi Alexander,


Unfortunately there is no way to specify custom template even if you pass the name of the template, you can only select the OOTB templates.

I remember this has been logged as a feature enhancement with K2.


Use the "PowerShell Service Object"


For your case the PowerShell script change a bit creating a Site Collection or even easier a Subsite directly in your Sharepoint environment assumming you have permissions to do it.


$dbx = New-SPCOntentdatabase -Name "Database_Name" -WebApplication "" -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0

$site = New-SPSite -URL "" -ContentDatabase $dbx -OwnerAlias "domainspadmin" -OwnerEmail "*personal details removed*" -Name "User Subsite 1" -Template "STS#0"


Hope this helps !!!


Hello guys,


thank you for your answers.


I will check the PowerShell-Script or maybe I have to find a different way to solve this.


Kind Regards

