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My organisation regularly refreshes our SharePoint test enviornment from production. This is done by taking the content databases from production and restoring from them in test. This generally has no adverse impact, but we have noticed that various K2 workflows in our test environment (which point to our K2 test server) have broken, and we suspect that it has to do with the fact that we have refreshed from production (where we also have K2 workflows, but pointing to our production K2 server) and there may be a conflict with references to production GUIDs and other artefacts.


So, hoping that I can get some guidance on what is the best practice for when we conduct our refreshes in sharepoint. Is there a process we should be following that involves re-mapping workflows to the test K2 server after refreshing from production? Hoping this all makes sense, and happy to clarify/provided more information if needed. Thanks!


Sharepoint Version: 2013

K2 BlackPearl Version: 4.4120.6.100


Hi Cnavarro86, 


Thank you for logging this community, I am wondering if it will be possible to further elaborate on how the sharepoint server is refreshed here ? Are you restarting the sharepoint the sharepoint services or do you mean restarting the whole server completely ? 


Kind regards, 



Hi Perc,


Sorry for that. When I say we "refresh" the test environment, I mean we conduct a content database restoration from production to test. I've updated the post to reflect this, thanks!
