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Hi Guys,


Could i use Activity Instances Grid without workflow instances grid?  and how to set the value of the workflow instance ID when execute activity instances grid control's run grid method.




Hi yu,


Please see our documentation below for more information on using the Activity Instances Grid Control:-

I want to use the Activity Instances Grid to reflect only activities for that specific workflow instance. it can run independently and show the currency workflow instance.


i know how to use it with Workflow Instances Grid, but i want to know which value i can use to replace the Workflow Instances Grid in workflow Instance ID field.



You can make use of the Workflow Report SmartObject (Activity Instance Destination). I believe that one will give you the Process Instance ID value and it can be used for the workflow instance ID. You can call the Execute SmartObject method action in the form and point to the Activity Instance Destination SmartObject. The call can be setup to return a specific Process Instance ID, the value then can be placed in data label control before sending it to the Run Grid method. I haven't tested it yet, but it sounds like this might work.

Hi khanh, 

