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The issue I am having is that I create a Docgen Package, I select the following two relationships. 
After the initial creation though, when I go to add more relationships via Application__c(#1), it disappears as an option.
The Application__c(#1) option inside the Medical_Record__c relationship also disappears and so I cannot edit the relationship.
Because of these issues, it seems that the Docgen is not able to operate correctly.  Can anyone help me identify why this is happening inside the relationships?

Hi @srkapaun,


Based off the first and only screenshot I can see it looks like you are trying to do replication through a lookup. This is typically done using SOQL.


You'll want to confirm the API Names but the query would look something like...


SELECT Id, Name, Medical_Record__r.Name, FROM Application__c WHERE Course.Id = '<<Course_Id>>'


If this answer is correct please mark this as correct.




Thanks, @ryan_oleary  I am not trying to do a lookup relationship.  I was just trying everything I could to see if I could get the system to stop deleting the child object as an option to create other relationships.
