I'm very familiar with Nintex desktop and Mobile forms for SharePoint O365 and on-prem. But very new to what Nintex forms can do for Salesforce.
Is there a way we can create large Nintex 'Mobile/tablet" forms with Multiple sections/panels/lookups/repeating sections that connects directly to salesforce; same functionality as SharePoint.
We want to be able to do the offline/sync functionality with Nintex forms but all on Salesforce.
I came across this article but the form seems too simple and not offline/mobile to what we are trying to do. https://www.nintex.com/blog/whats-new-using-forms-nintex-workflow-salesforce/
I just learnt that a "Start event" on nintex workflow cloud can have "Nintex" as a connector, and Event "Form" and the form can be available on web or Nintex mobile. But I can see that the controls are very limited (no calculated fields, repeating sections, panels...etc), basically none of the advanced classic form capabilities.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.