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When running a Mass DDP from a List View, is it possible to customize the contact selection?  As an example, is there a parameter in the button that can be added to indicate the contact should be a specific contact role from the Opportunity?  Or perhaps the Primary contact role from the Opportunity?

Hello Mary Stevens‌,

redirectUrl += "&OpportunityContactRole=Primary";

This allows you to reference the Primary Contact Role on the Opportunity. 



Thanks !  I finally got some time to test this out, but got an error that "Contact Selection is Required".  

I swapped in the code you provided:

redirectUrl += "&OpportunityContactRole=Primary";

for the code I had previously:

redirectUrl += "&contactField=Opportunity__r.Billing_Contact__c";  

The Billing Contact being what I had come up with for a work-around (but not my preferred choice).

I'm running this from a list view on a custom object (Invoice__c).   So I'm guessing I need the ..."&contactField = ..." but I'm kinda at a loss.  I've got my workaround, but if you know a way to tweak this to get to an Opportunity Contact Role that would be great.

Thank you again for responding!  :-) 
