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I have 20 DDPs in my Salesforce org. Out of those i need to show only 3 to the user in the section of "Select the DDP to run". Out of the 3 , 2 DDPs should be shown by default and the remaining 1 should be shown based on a specific condition(This is handled by me). I require assistnace for dipalying those 2 default DDPs for everyone.

Riya Bansode, are your running this is Lightning or Classic?

Riya Bansode‌ if you are using classic, you can use filters to limit what the user can see.

Here is a video overview: Button Parameters - YouTube 

Documentation on buttons. Look at filters and filtertypes: Button Wizard field reference 

Vincent Cabral‌, any suggestions on Lightning?

You can use a button in Lightning.  The interface has been stylized for lightning. 
