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I created a DDP in our sandbox environment, created the configurations I need, and would like to include it in a change set in order to deploy in our production instance.  However, when going to my Outbound Change Set settings, I could not find anything related to Drawloop/Nintex DDP.  Is there a way to move/deploy DDPs created in sandbox over into our Salesforce production instance?

Hey Nancy Ngo‌,

We have a built in migration tool that I just wrote a blog about called Migration Not Migraine. I would recommend using our built in tool migration tool. I've also included a link to our documentation below.

Migration Tool: 

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Thanks Ryan!  The setup instructions in your blog helped to resolve my issue with migrating document packages from sandbox to production.


used the tool today and I notice one small error ( although maybe with my version ) It would not let me select the Migration options tab to specify the files. The version im running is Your package version number is:

Sorry my bad I should have read the instructions properly
