For the best Community experience (and to ask forum questions), we recommend that you create an account and remain logged in.
To create a new account
In the top-right corner of the Community landing page, please click on Login:
Click on the Sign Up tab and enter the following details:
Email, Password, First Name, Last Name. (Please note we do not accept Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, iCloud or Yahoo email accounts.)
Click on the Sign Up button.
Next, please check your inbox for a verification email. Click on Confirm my account:
Once your account is verified, you will be prompted to select a username and confirm your details.
- Please choose a username that is professional and appropriate.
- Please refrain from using any meaningless or irrelevant letters.
Select your Nintex feedback options.
Read and accept the Terms of use.
Click Save.
Please note all new registrations are approved by a Moderator, so there might be a short delay before you can ask a question and start participating. You will receive an email once your account is approved.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: