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Product: K2 Five 

A new version of the K2 for SharePoint App is now available for SharePoint Online in K2 Five 5.6. If you installed the K2 for SharePoint Online App with K2 Five 5.6, you may encounter token access errors when trying to use K2 integration. This is because the K2 for SharePoint App version 5.0001.1000.2 directs to the k2-dev trust instead of the k2 trust (production). To resolve this issue, you must install K2 for SharePoint App version 5.0001.1000.4.  


Follow the steps below to update the K2 for SharePoint App in the App Catalog. For more information and specific steps to deploy the app, see the product documentation for K2 for SharePoint. 

  1. Download the new version of the K2 for SharePoint App from this article.  

  1. Add the new version of the K2 for SharePoint App on your App Catalog Site using the Apps for SharePoint list. If there is an existing K2 for SharePoint App in the app catalog, you must replace the existing version with the new version, do not delete the existing version of the app. You grant K2 for SharePoint permissions during this step, and it requires Global Admin (Tenant) permissions, so you must be a Global Admin. 

  1. Add the K2 for SharePoint app to your app catalog. You grant K2 for SharePoint permissions during this step, and it requires Global Admin (Tenant) permissions, so you must be a Global Admin. If you already have an existing app, go to step 4. 

  1. On the Site Contents page of the app catalog, click the upgrade link for K2 for SharePoint App. (If you do not see the link, go into the Details page for the app to upgrade it.) 

  1. Click the K2 for SharePoint app from the Site Contents page or Quick Launch menu of the app catalog site, and run through the Registration Wizard by clicking the Registration Wizard link in the Administration section to register the app with your K2 environment's URL. (If you do not see the Registration wizard, make sure you are on the app catalog.).  

  1. Deploy the app to one or more site collections using the Manage App Deployments page in SharePoint. A link to this page is provided on the K2 for SharePoint settings page. It is recommended you do this by paths rather than individual URLs, but individual URLs give you more control regarding which site collections have K2 integration. You should deploy as a SharePoint Administrator if you are deploying to multiple site collections. 


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