I have a Skuid page which is throwing an error when the page is loaded, and the error only occurs when a non-admin user loads the page (i.e. it works fine for me). The error message is:
“Uncaught Error happened when processing action responses [Cannot read property ‘addProblem’ of undefined
Callback failed: apex://skuid.SkuidLightningController/ACTION$load]”
Some additional notes on how the page is deployed:
- deployed via Lightning Component inside a record detail page
- a lightning event is published after the page is loaded
- skuid theme files have been updated today
- we are running Millau 11.0.3
- page support files have been generated
lightning component below:
<component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,lightning:actionOverride,force:hasRecordId,force:hasSObjectName" access="global">
<renderif istrue="{!v.showSpinner}">
<spinner variant="brand" size="large"></spinner>
<page page="pageNameGoesHere" id="{!v.recordId}"></page>