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Hello,I am using [mArchive] stored procedure to archive K2 Five database. Just want to know what kind of locks used in the stored procedure.Is it table level or row level?Can we run this stored procedure during business hours so that users can continue their work without any issues?What will be the impact on daily work in case tables/rows locked?Is there any measure how many rows can be archived in one go so that there should not be any impact on users?How much time generally it takes to complete execution, first time and there after?Thanks
After upgrading to K2 4.7, the system functions properly and K2 Workspace is accessible. However, when attempting to connect to the K2 Management Site and open ViewFlow, the following error message appears. I'm not sure if anyone has encountered a similar situation. ’/ViewFlow' 應用程式中發生伺服器錯誤。找不到方法:“Void SourceCode. Hosting, Client. BaseAPI, SCConnectionString Builder.set_KeepAlive(Int32)”。 [MissingMethodException: 找不到方法:“Void SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.SCConnectionStringBuilder.set_KeepAlive(IntSourceCode.Security. Claims. Web.Shared. ConnectionClass.GetPoolConnectionString(Boolean useWorkflowPort)+0SourceCode.Security.Claims.Web.Shared.ConnectionClass.GetPoolConnection(String credentialToken, Boolean asAppPool, B SourceCode.Security.Claims.Web.Shared.ConnectionClass.Connect (BaseAPI baseAPI, Boolean asAppPool, Boolean validateLiSourceCode.Security.Claims.Web._trust.login.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +204System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object send
This article is related to the following article: Error CodeForm 'com.K2.System.Management.Form.UserRolesList' could not be found. Ensure that the form exists, that it is checked in, and that you are authorized to run the form and its views. Troubleshooting StepsPlease review the logs in the following locations, if available, to check if there was any issue during installation/upgrade:Package and Deployment logs (.log) found inside {K2 Installation Folder}Setup. Installation trace logs (.log) found in: %temp%K2 Setup Log {K2 Installation Folder}SetupLog {K2 Installation Folder}SetupUpdateLog ResolutionThere will be a need to manually re-deploy the package which may have encountered issues based on the logs above. Resolution 2i found the following error while runing K2 setup manager:The following warnings were logged as part of the install: Could not update add/remove programs: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<System.String,
Hi Everyone, I have notice that our K2 production database has grown to over 600GB. Most growth is showing in the FG_Server and FG_ServerLog file groups. Is there any maintenance script that can be executed to cleanup some old logs?Thanks,Herman
I have scheduled workflow to run every 3 months on 15th and send emails.In Schedules it is showing last run on 15th August with no failure. I checked under workflow but there is no instance either in running, error or completed(under report tab) state. The workflow was scheduled by person and his account is deactivated now in AD.Can any one have idea about this issue and how to resolve it? Thanks in advance!
Hello,how I can change the position of the new row on the top instead of down.
Help, I'm having trouble.The right picture is a k2 5.4 can use the menu normally.But when I take the project to deployThe left picture is k2 5.6, the menu shows blank, I searched html, found that the data loads normally but why it shows blank and doesn't find any error.Now I can't fix the problem. Aside from reverting back to 5.4 as before.
Workflow → Task Control → Form Type = Customadd parameter over 2 parameter in custom form parameter mapper but when open url from worklist only 2 parameters data are received.https://custom_url/Runtime/Runtime/Form/FRM__Tracking/?SN=6504_268&request_id=60409c85-2f57-4570-a00f-0369c385030d
Dear, i create Stord procured with the below dynamic sql but when create smart object select columns not appear in smart object. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_General_GetDynamicMenu] @TableName NVARCHAR(100), @ColumnID NVARCHAR(100), @ColumnName NVARCHAR(100), @ColumnParentID NVARCHAR(100), @ColumnURL NVARCHAR(100) =NULL, @ColumnIcon NVARCHAR(100)=NULL, @ColumnOrder NVARCHAR(100)=NULLASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @DynamicSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = @TableName ) BEGIN RAISERROR('Invalid table name.', 16, 1) RETURN END DECLARE @Final TABLE ( ID INT, Name NVARCHAR(MAX), ParentID INT, IsParent bit DEFAULT(1), [URL] NVARCHAR(100) ,Icon NVARCHAR(100), OrderID int ) create TABLE #FinalTabel ( ID INT, Name NVARCHAR(MAX), ParentID INT, IsParent bit DEFAULT(1), [URL] NVARCHAR(100) ,Icon NV
Hi,What’s the recommended route to migrate a form from a Dev environment which uses a SMartobject to a Live environment with a SQL table?Will moving from SMO to SQL break anything in the form?What’s the best way of achieving this? I can package it up on Dev, but when deploying, can we use a SQL table on Live rather the Smartobject? If so, again will connections in the form remain intact?Thanks
K2 (5.0004.1000.4) >> K2Five53June2023CumulativeUpdate >> after update with database, Open K2 Setup Manager ERROR occured during the execution of setup:Arguments: Exception: Could not load type 'Roles' from assembly 'SourceCode.Install.SQL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=16a2c5aaaa1b130d'., Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation., Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Hello,we are assigned tasks to the users (throw user name or active directory group).and we using k2 API in order to take action.when assigning a task to a user by user name (Task user:name) correct but when assigning the task to the group (Task user:name) wrong.(task user:name ) always equal the destination, not the person who tasks the action.we take the action from workspace everything is ok.
Hi everyone some of the user can not use the k2 services and it gave them this Error exception of type 'system.web.httpunhandledexception' was thrown <br/>The K2:Domain\test user could not be found we are using Active Directory and i checked the smartobject which is in the tester and the users is there but when they try to access its gave them the error
Hi,Upgraded K2 from 5.3 to 5.6 and K2 smart forms are insisting to enter credentials every time they tried to login.it supposed to be take windows credentials automatically.Can anyone have any idea how to resolve this?Best Regards,
Hi, I have a memo field in my smartform. The user enters a value into the text area and in my workflow I use a subset of this string (first 25 characters) in the subject line of an email. If a user enters a newline in the text area the workflow will fail due to the newline " The specified string is not in the form required for a subject" I have tried using the Trim function in both the smartform and the workflow itself to remove the new line however it hasn't done anything. I can't find any other function that would do this for me. Does anyone have any suggestions? Regards,Ciara
We want to create a view that pulls details on the staff ID, start and end date. our expectation is that when a manager opens the form, all the staff under the respective manager should be listed with the checkbox view. The Manager should further be able to select some items and in the next page it should show the list of all selected items. We want to add check box feature to a non-editable list view using minimal or no codes. Below are the criteria's to be considered.The List should allow paging – If the list is large, the list should be displayed in pages, say 10 items each page. The Manager should be able select only the desired items in each page. No Unique ID- This List of Staff ID and details does not have any column for Unique ID and we cannot create Unique ID field. All the fields should be read only. The list should be displayed in Non- Editable List view.
I want to create comment section for reviewer that reviewer can write their comment
Dears,we cannot open any forms and views after deployment packages to the new server please check the below images once open view or view :
Hi,I have recently upgraded K2 from 5.3 to 5.6. and after upgrade K2 workspace is not accessible from extranet and throws attached exception. we didn’t find any issues with internal network. below error is only when trying to open from extranet connecting with VPN. after upgrading and which was working fine in K2 5.3. A network error has occurred. unable to execute a server side operation. can anyone help could be appreciated.Best Regards,Thriveni.