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Error Code

Form 'com.K2.System.Management.Form.UserRolesList' could not be found. Ensure that the form exists, that it is checked in, and that you are authorized to run the form and its views.


Troubleshooting Steps

Please review the logs in the following locations, if available, to check if there was any issue during installation/upgrade:

  1. Package and Deployment logs (.log) found inside {K2 Installation Folder}Setup.
  2. Installation trace logs (.log) found in:
    • %temp%K2 Setup Log
    • {K2 Installation Folder}SetupLog
    • {K2 Installation Folder}SetupUpdateLog


There will be a need to manually re-deploy the package which may have encountered issues based on the logs above.


Resolution 2

i found the following error while runing K2 setup manager:

The following warnings were logged as part of the install: 
Could not update add/remove programs: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<System.String,System.String> SourceCode.Install.Windows.InstallChecking.IInstallChecking.GetAllInstalledPrograms()'.
   at SourceCode.Install.Package.InstallPackage.DoPostConfiguration()
   at SourceCode.SetupManager.Files.UpdateHelper.UpdateRemainingVersions(List`1 components)

so i took the following DLL 

SourceCode.Install.Windows.dll (Latest Version) from the cumulative update folder to setup directory \K2\Setup


And Run the K2 setup manager again, the error should be gone.



Good luck for you all.

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