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Does Appit set SmartForms as the default form? Or can SharePoint Forms still be used?




Appit gives you the option to use either K2 SmartForms or SharePoint forms. Once Appit is applied to a List, Library, etc. the user will be prompt to generate SmartObjects, SmartForms, Workflow, and Reports. If all of the extra features SmartForms bring are not needed, then the user can leave SmartForms unchecked.














However, if the user later decides they want to use SmartForms, they can generate SmartForms from the artifacts page. 














When building a workflow, Appit clearly labels which form type is being used. Under the "User Task" icon, there is a label that states the type of form used in the workflow.






In this case we see SharePoint forms are used.












In this case we see K2 SmartForms are used.





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