I'm using the community service broker for Exchange Mailbox and Exchange Attachments. While it's not perfect, it does meet most of our needs.
Twice, however, this has happened...we started getting this error:
We have investigated it the Exchange team, and they can't figure out why it happens. Generally, when the error pops up, it seems to 'fix' itself in *personal details removed* minutes or so. Yesterday was 45...and i was freaking out the whole time.
Strangely, the error happens when ANY of our 3 K2 server instances tries to execute a SmartObject method using that broker. It's not relegated to a specific service account or server. One would think of Exchange were throttling K2, it would throttle the specific account, not K2 as a whole.
Anyway, does anyone have familiarity with that error? Any ideas on what we can do to keep it from happening in the future?