Simultaneous approvers

  • 25 October 2005
  • 1 reply

Badge +1
We have set up an activity with simultaneous approvers. Suppose an activity will have all or nothing approval, how would I know who among the approvers did not respond? Can I get each of the participating NT accounts in the approval list for the specific activity?

Will appreciate assistance the soonest. thanks.

1 reply

Badge +9

I have extended the Succeeding Rule code to store the User Name of all users that has not completed the task in a process data field:

Code Sample:
K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("NoResponseUser").value = K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("NoResponseUser").value & ";" & ActInstDest.User 

In context of the Succeeding Rule, please note that this is only done when the status of the Activity is NOT Completed
 Private Function Func1(ByRef K2 As SucceedingRuleContext) As Boolean

Func1 = False

Dim strTemp1 as String
Dim strTemp2 as String
Dim strTempLD as String
Dim firstVariable as Object
Dim secondVariable as Object
Dim LogicalData as Object

Dim Counter As Integer = 0
Dim ActInstDest As Object

secondVariable = "Approved"

For Each ActInstDest In K2.ActivityInstance.Destinations

If ActInstDest.Status.ToString.ToUpper = "COMPLETED" Then
firstVariable = ActInstDest.DataFields("AppStatus").Value
If firstVariable.ToString.ToUpper = secondVariable.ToString.ToUpper Then
Counter += 1
End If

'############# Insert #############
K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("NoResponseUser").value = K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("NoResponseUser").value & ";" & ActInstDest.User

End If


If Counter = K2.ActivityInstance.Slots Then
Return True
Return False
End If

End Function

Let me know if this is helpful!
