I get the following error when trying to execute SMO on Activity Escalation Data and when trying to run a report in K2 workspace using that data:
The identifier that starts with 'AND, 0, 'AND', 1) ) ) _ProcSet] Join _Proc WITH (NOLOCK) On _ProcSet.ID = _Proc.ProcSetID Join _Esc ' is too long. Maximum length is 128. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string 'AND, 0, 'AND', 1) ) ) _ProcSet] Join _Proc WITH (NOLOCK) On _ProcSet.ID = _Proc.ProcSetID Join _Esc W'. Incorrect syntax near 'AND, 0, 'AND', 1) ) ) _ProcSet] Join _Proc WITH (NOLOCK) On _ProcSet.ID = _Proc.ProcSetID Join _Esc '.
Any suggestions?