Hello @NigelStratton,
Last time i checked there was no functionality for this. but people were voting for this feature to be on the latest release, you can still vote for it if it wasn't included in the new release: https://ideas.k2.com/ideas/APIT-I-71
referencing article: https://community.k2.com/t5/K2-blackpearl-Articles/Cancel-Checkout-made-by-other-user-who-left-the-position/ta-p/92076
If it is available I guess someone else can throw a solution on how this can be done.
Else I would suggest you log a ticket for this to be resolved with the help of K2 support.
Good day NigelStratton,
The best practice in this situation is that database manipulation can lead to unintended consequences, which might put you in an unsupported situation It is therefore strongly recommended that you log a support ticket for this kind of issues so that a relevant support engineer will be of help. However, you could run the following SQL script to change the ownership of the workflow so that you become the new owner.
Please make sure you have made a copy of your database before any database manipulation is taken.
This is to change lockout ownership of the workflow:
UPDATE [Designer].[Process]
SET CheckedOutBy = 'New_User'
WHERE CheckedOutBy = 'Old_User'
Thank you and
kind regards,