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There’s been a few mentions of a “date picker” component/solution in the works. Is that coming soon? I could really use it.

I had someone build me a date picker in a component for navigation purposes. The idea is that the user can click the icon, from which a calendar appears. when you click on one of the dates, the page reloads with the new date parameter passed into it.

$j(document).ready ( function() { $j('#btnNextDay').after('<input class="fldDatePicker ui-silk ui-silk-date" style="border:none; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer" type="text">'); $j('.fldDatePicker').datepicker ( { 'dateFormat' : 'yy-mm-dd', 'onSelect' : function(dateText, instance) { var url = window.location.toString(); var newurl = url.replace(/&date=[0-9-]+/g, '&date=' + dateText); window.location.href = newurl; } } ); } );

The “.after” puts the icon on the page right next to another already rendered component. I’m not a javascript master, but I’m sure there’s there a nicer way to do this, such as make it available as a snippet to make it an action for a page title button. How would I modify this to make that work?

Are you happy with the date input approach in the current release?
