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Defect/Issue Description:

The table header can have merge syntax, but if the value of the filed used in merge syntax is updated the table will not be updated, even after

e.g. {{ReferenceField.Name}}, Initially the header is displayed fine, but if the ReferenceField is updated, header will not display the correct heading because different ReferenceField will have different name.


  • API Version: v2

  • Release: Chicago

  • Release version: 14.4.11

  • Platform: Salesforce

Brief Summary of the Defect/Issue:

The table header can have merge syntax, but if the value of the filed used in merge syntax is updated the table will not be updated, even after

Action Performed:

  1. Open Table Drawer

  2. Enter text into Field1

  3. Press save

  4. Notice the table header has not updated of either tables

  5. Close drawer

  6. open Drawer

  7. The table inside drawer will have its header updated. (probably because it was rerendered)

Expected Result:

The header of both tables updated, either when the field is updated or saved.

Actual Result:

The header is not updated for neither of tables. Unless you close/open drawer then the table inside drawer will have its heading updated.

Additional Resources:

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true">


<model id="UiModel" limit="20" query="true" datasource="Ui-Only" createrowifnonefound="true">


<field id="Field1" displaytype="TEXT" length="255" label="Field1"/>







<skuid__table allowColumnFreezing="dragDrop" model="UiModel" uniqueid="sk-1O50-15088" mode="edit" showSaveCancel="true" pageSize="10" enableDrawers="true">


<field id="Field1" label="{{Field1}}" uniqueid="fi-1O56-16788"/>


<filtering enableSearch="false"/>




<exportProperties useTableColumns="true"/>

<sorting enable="false"/>



<skuid__table allowColumnFreezing="dragDrop" model="UiModel" uniqueid="sk-1O5O-21408" mode="read">


<field id="Field1" label="{{Field1}}"/>


<filtering enableSearch="false"/>




<exportProperties useTableColumns="true"/>

<sorting enable="false"/>













<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>



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