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We’re building a Skuid model with the Salesforce object “SurveyInvitations” - we know there is a standard field called ResponseStatus.  We can build reports with it, see it in object manager, and in workbench. 

In Skuid, we do not have the ability to add it declaratively.  We also tried to add it manually in XML and got the error attached.

Also included below is the workbench view.

I am Sys Admin role and can view the field across the platform otherwise.

How can I make this bugger appear?!


Hi Lucas, what Skuid version are you using? If you’re on an older version, you may not be able to see this field because of the Salesforce API version that Skuid uses in that older version.

Ah thanks for this.  We’re on 11.2.30.

Okay, yeah that’s what’s going on — 11.2.30 is using API v42, which does not expose the ResponseStatus field for SurveyInvitation:

You will need to upgrade to a later version, 12.2.x , in order to access this field using Skuid.

Blah ok, still recovering from our last Skuid upgrade.  We’ll have to go without.  Thanks for the info though.