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Just upgrdaded to Spark 3 and where we haad querystring such as “Status=In%20Progress&tab=progress” having upgraded, these are not getting picked up now?

Any ideas?

None of the filters on the querystring are workingwhen being passed to a page include?

Hey Chris, sorry you’re running into this issue — could you provide some more details on your setup? Is this a V1 / V2 page? Are the Query String parameters being passed into the top-level page, but just not the Page Include?

Hey, Chris. I think we might have repro’d this issue internally, but I’d like to confirm it with you. Does this page clearly represent the issue you are experiencing?



Hi, it’s on V2 …so here’s the parent page and the page include

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning=“yes” personalizationmode=“server” showsidebar=“true” showheader=“true”>

<skuid__pageInclude includeType=“skuid” uniqueid=“sk-3Wiy-1733” pageName=“test_include” queryString=“Id=001D000000jwL5FIAU”/>


page include

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning=“yes” personalizationmode=“server” showsidebar=“true” showheader=“true”>

<skuid__form showErrorsInline=“true” model=“client” uniqueid=“sk-3Wih-2493” mode=“read”>

Prior to the update it would pass the querystring on the Id. However, this isn’t working.

After spending ages, I changed it to accept it from the Page/URL parameter but had to change all my conditions through the whole site

Huh. I just tried the page in our Spark U2 and Spark U3 QA environments and (once I changed the Id to an account in each of those orgs), and seems to be working (Page Include loads, Account info is displayed) in both environments. What am I missing?

Chris, do you know which Skuid release you were on previously? I’m wondering if a change was made on latest Spark U2 and Spark U3 releases that broke this behavior.

Latest release, it’s only seems to be affecting V2 pages. V1 pages are still working fine. Definitely broke when I updated to Spark 3-all parameters that I passed broke
