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This functionality would be awesome in Skuid. Dynamics Sales Path and Required fields per Stage in the Path. Not as slick as Dynamics Business Process Flow, but still much better than just a Status field.

I know it can accomplished quite similarly with Progress Bar custom component and Conditionally Rendered Field Editors, but seems like the metadata would have to be pulled into the Skuid Page with custom JS anyway. New component would be better due to this.

Otherwise have to create a simulated Sales Path using conditional rendering of a field editor for each stage. Works but prefer having a component to display this with the fields since there’s the added benefit of having “Guidance for Sucess”


Hi Pat,

I like it! Since this is an idea i’ll change the type of the thread to “Idea” and will discuss it with the team.



We definitely needed this one, please share some steps if there is any work around on this? thank you @Janick @Jeanguy_Vachon

None that i know of.

You could add a wizard with nothing in each step, set names and/or labels of each step Then set the model to update the wizard step on the appropriate field. The action would be as per below.