I was testing an idea. I have a skuid page that has several page includes. I want a decision made by the user that affects model conditions on the primary page to flow through to all of the includes. So, I created a Skuid Page: Rendered triggered action sequence on the included pages that listen for Skuid Page: Rendered events on all active skuid pages on a specified channel. This makes sense to me.
I then wanted to trigger these action sequences through a button on the primary page. This is where I have the question. I have an action sequence on the primary page that, as the last action in the sequence, publishes the Skuid Page: Rendered event. The included pages hear this event and all activate conditions and requery. IT WORKS!
My question is: Am I messing anything eles up by creating a synthetic Skuid Page: Rendered event? The page is not actually rendering. I am just publishing a Skuid Page: Rendered event from an action sequence. It doesn’t seem like this would be an issue, I just want to make sure I am not missing anything.
Thanks. This functionality is excellent!