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On page load, we are seeing requests run without end. The requests are all “font” Type. We are utilizing a GoogleFreeFont in the Custom Theme. How can we make the requests stop?

Hi Scott, thanks for reaching out, could you please share more information:

  1. Which Skuid version is currently installed?

  2. To confirm, this is a V1 page?

  3. If you go to "Compose -> Theme", is the button "Update out of date themes" enabled?

  4. If yes, please update out of date themes, does the issue persist?

  5. Which GoogleFreeFont did you use?

  6. When did you first notice the problem?

  7. Was the page/theme functioning before?

Yeah. Thanks!

  1. 12.1.4

  2. This is a V1 page

  3. I do not see this button within "Compose" or "Design-->Theme" in the top-nav

  4. N/A

  5. Roboto -

  6. This has been going on for at least 2 months

  7. I am unsure

Was the info helpful?

Hi Scott, thank you for the detailed feedback! Using the font snippet you provided, we added the Roboto font a new custom Theme. So far, we couldn’t reproduce the issue. Would you be able to provide the following:

  • export your custom theme and upload it here

  • copy and paste the XML of a simple test page here

We updated our Skuid version to the most current, hoping this would allow us to update “out-of-date” themes.

Once 12.2.17 was installed, the “update out-of-date themes” button rendered on the Themes tab, in the upper right hand corner. After clicking on the button, the block ui messages informed us that 2 of the 3 themes had been updated. It either stalled there or the UI was never unblocked. So, I can’t confirm whether or not the 3rd theme was updated or not (yes, the theme in question). Also, the button is no longer visible (so maybe all 3 were updated?).

Another note… and maybe not important… when I open the them, then navigate to “Web Fonts”, there are always 2 fonts with Null values, even if I remove them and then save the Theme… Upon re-opening the Theme… the Null fonts are back. But maybe that is by design as an easy way to add more?

I am unable to attach the theme because it is not a PNG, JPG, or GIF file. I have it ready though.

Hi Scott,

  1. The Null web fonts does sound like strange behavior, I’m wondering if there’s some ghost code in your theme file somewhere that if we can isolate it and remove it, it will address the endless network requests issue.  

  2. Go ahead and email your theme file to  If your email also has trouble accepting the attachment, you could try zipping the file first.

  3. How complicated is your theme? Sometimes the quickest way to address the issue is to rebuild the theme from scratch, but I understand if that’s not your first choice.
