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I can Successfully send a email using a button with a Salesforce Action:

My question is - How can I have one of the email addresses be a bcc?

Hey Bob, you may need to switch to using the “Send HTML Email” action, which supports To, Cc, and Bcc addresses:


Thank you for pointing me in this direction. I have tried this with two problems. First, there doesn’t seem to be any documentation in Skuid. Second, it doesn’t seem to fire - even with explicit email addresses. Can you point me to some documentation on this?


Bob, I actually looked for documentation on this earlier today before I posted my response, and I was surprised to find that there wasn’t any docs for it — so unfortunately no I don’t have anything to point you to at the moment, but I have alerted our docs team.

However, prior to Spark 12.2.14 there was a bug where this action was not executing at all. Which Skuid release are you on? That might be what the issue is.

Zach, in trying out your initial suggestion, the first thing I did was upgrade to the current Skuid release 12.2.21.

I saw in the prior release notes that there was a problem with this functionality but this had been cleared up. I’m not sure where to go from here or how to debug the fact that the email won’t fire.

Is there some subsequent action sequence that will actually send the HTML email?



I got it to work. The key was that there must be a value in the Plain Text field. Thanks for your help.
