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Hi Arne-Per, not surprised you were having problems–those links are malformed. How/where did you get them?

(Also, curious why you are jumping back and forth between v1 and v2 docs: are you using both APIs?)

Here, try this:

v1 Microsoft:… 

v2 Microsoft:…


v2 Microsoft:…

(Our doc site defaults to API v2, so the first link does not include that API citation in the URL, but it’s the equivalent of the second URL–they will both get you to the page.)

v1 Google drive:

Please let me know that the links came through correctly.

Thanks Kasey! They came across just fine. I think that documentation set it just a group i have bookmarked. When you search on the /platform it generates links that are broken (… i have updated link.

yes working on converting to v2 wherever possible! Zach keeps “encouraging” that…🙂

Thanks for the f/b–I’ll check in with my colleague who manages our search plug-in. 

And Arne-Per: Zach is right! v2 is really the way to go. I realize that, when we launched it last year, there were some parity issues that caused users who were experienced with v1 to revert to that API version. 

But our devs have worked hard to root out all of those issues and fix them, so that v2 can do everything v1 can do–and then some! So I’m glad to hear you are exploring v2. 

Hey Arne-Per! Thanks for the heads up. Search results should now be working properly for Platform docs.
